• integrate
  • innovate
  • experience
  • creative
Park Rozrywki Mandoria
Położony w Rzgowie koło Łodzi, Mandoria to największy kryty park tematyczny w Europie - początkowo otwarty na powierzchni 15 tysięcy metrów kwadratowych...

Wyzwania Projektu

O projekcie

Thanks to the work of an international team of artists who pay attention to the smallest details, guests crossing the gates of Mandoria theme park take a real journey in time and find themselves in a world where only 30 years have passed since Christopher Columbus discovered America. The park is to have an area of approximately 50 ha and will become the largest amusement park in Europe. Currently, the first phase of creating an all-year-round indoor amusement park on 1.5 hectares has been completed. The theme of the park is based on European trading cities from the Renaissance era.

Park Mandoria Karuzela

Projekt AV

Park Mandoria Dzwony
Customer requirements

Located in Rzgow near Lodz, Mandoria is the largest indoor theme park in Europe and the only family theme park in Poland entirely styled as a Renaissance commercial city. Initially opened on the area of 15 thousand square meters, it will ultimately cover 50 hectares of terrain. The aim of the system was to provide a unique audio experience both for background music but also for a number of special sound effects which are intended to evoke specific emotions in visitors. The task was not easy due to lack of any acoustic adaptation, large ceiling height (even over 10m) and huge open space with a lot of additional noises such as carousels or roller coasters. Customer was looking for the top quality which would be confirmed by initial and extended audio tests on site between different integrators. And most important – the speakers had to be as discrete as possible – after all, there were no loudspeakers in Reneissance.

Park Mandoria,Mandoria Łódź,Bestau,Nagrody,Inavation Awards 2022

DANTE audio

The system is based on digital audio distribution
(DANTE). (DANTE) The heart of the system is Medialon Manager software used to control audio equpment and 64 channel Dante audio server. The purpuse of Medialon was to control audio but also integrate designed lighting system. Audio is handled by Bose ControlSpace EX-1280 digital signal processor. To ensure failure-free operation, together with Bose, we have implemented and used a redundant audio processor, which in case of failure – takes over all of the routing and audio signals. To avoid cacophony – majority of theme park carousels, coasters, etc.
are connected to our system. How? We have used a number of digital input triggers connected to carousels, coasters and other attractions. The signal is passed to Medialon application running on the park, allowing us to play custom and more Renaissance oriented sounds using same speakers as the background music. Of course the sounds are routed only to selected speakers without disturbing the playback of the main theme.

Park Mandoria,Mandoria Łódź,Bestau,Nagrody,Inavation Awards 2022
PowislePower Plant