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Video conferencing - discover barrier-free communication

We live in a global world in which mobile solutions and web capabilities are changing the rules of business operations. Nowadays, thanks to video conferencing, you can not only conduct group meetings, business meetings, presentations or training sessions. Today, thanks to technology, you can be close to another person regardless of place and time, crossing more boundaries.

You can stay in touch…

Developments in Internet technology – in particular, ever faster connections (3G/4G) and global network coverage – mean that video conferencing is playing an increasingly important role in:

  • telemedicine (medical interviews and diagnostic sessions, telepsychiatric observations, surgical operations, etc.),
  • judiciary (remote interrogations have had the status of evidence in law enforcement and judicial proceedings since 2003),
  • Marketing (customer service, live tutorials),
  • Journalism (especially in the era of social journalism),
  • Education (remote learning),
  • Coaching and HR (online coaching/motivational meetings).

Prompt. Thrifty. Video conference!

Available videoconferencing systems offer great communication opportunities. With them, you gain:

  • More efficient use of time and money,
  • Speeding up decision-making processes,
  • Strengthening business relationships,
  • Improving communication of work in distributed teams,
  • The ability to respond immediately in emergency situations.

Using proven video conferencing solutions, you no longer have to choose between the benefit of a face to face relationship and the speed of the meeting!

Do you choose a regular call or a video conference?

We provide videoconferencing devices that allow to realize full HD quality calls even with relatively small Internet network parameters. We have proven solutions from well-known manufacturers such as Polycom, Lifesize and Sony. We put at your disposal:

  • terminals,
  • live streaming implementation equipment,
  • monitors and screens,
  • projectors,
  • peripherals.

In addition to excellent image and sound quality, all the multimedia we offer meet the requirements of ease of use and reliability. Shall we talk?